DeliveryLux is a fictional company that Business Intelligence.lu uses as a relatable example. It is not a real-world company and the report uses non-sensitive synthetic data.

Example report

DeliveryLux offers healty mealboxes that are delivered on your doorstep on a weekly base. The mealbox contains a variety of fresh ingredients and recipes that you have selected the week before based on your preference. Mealboxes are offered via a subscription and customers can choose between a 2 or 4 person box with 3 or 5 meals per week. 

Want to learn more about DeliveryLux or the challenges management faces? Scroll down below the example report.

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DeliveryLux example

Why customers love DeliveryLux

It sames them the time to rush to the supermarket
All ingredients are fresh
Value for money
The recipes are tasty and easy to prepare
Less food waste, always the right quantity

Data-driven decision making

DeliveryLux has 30.000 customers spread over all 12 cantons in Luxembourg. The deliver costs vary greatly per canton and they are active in a low margin market competing against supermarkets.

To develop the company strategy, the management of DeliveyLux needs real-time in-depth insight into their sales data.

Microsoft Power BI provides exactly this insight, allowing management to make data-driven decisions to further develop business.