Start-up promotion: Free prototype with your own data!

Our strategy is not to try and convince you to buy a business intelligence solution. We strongly feel that you should convince yourself. We have confidence that once you have experienced our solutions, you will become an advocate for business intelligence. 

As part of our start-up promotion, we offer the first 3 customers of Q4-2024 a free prototype (normal price €1.000) that is developed on their own data.

Fully functional Power BI report
Based on your own (anonymized) example data
Test yourself for 14 days 
Completely free for the first three customers, without obligations, promised
Fill this form to receive your free prototype (or learn more below)

How does the free prototype start-up promotion work?

Step 1. Drink coffee

Leave your contact details in the form above and we will reach out to you. First we would like to hear over a cup of coffee (or tea) what you would like to achieve. After listening we're happy to tell how we can be of service.

Step  2. Provide sample data

Do you feel we are a match? Provide us with a sample of your (anonymized) data and we will create a fully functional prototype. The prototype is not only based on your own data, but also customized to your needs as you've explained them to us over that cup of coffee. If need be, we help you to create an extraction of your example data as well.

Step 3. Test your prototype

Experience the added value of our solutions for yourself. For a period of 14 days (or longer if you need more time), you get full access to the business intelligence report. Our solutions are fully web based and work on all devices so all you need is a browser and a (mobile) device.

The (not so) fine print

  • The start-up promotion is only available for the first three (Luxembourgish) customers in Q4-2024.
  • Normal price of a prototype is €1.000,-
  • Getting to know each other and the prototype are free and without further obligation, promised.
  • Only Luxembourgish organisations that are new to BI are eligible for the start-up promotion.
  • Your data is safe with us, we have a strict NDA and are GDPR compliant.

Yeah, nice a free prototype, but now what?

Did you know that by testing the prototype you've already completed a big chunk of the actual implementation? If our prototype got you convinced, the follow up steps would look roughly as follows:
  1. A design workshop where we work from prototype to final design (still free)
  2. You receive the quote and decide Go / No-go
  3. Solution development and implementation on live data
  4. End-user adoption
  5. Testing, finetuning and aftersales care

What about the costs?

We try to be as transparent as possible about costs. We charge €1.000 ex VAT per day of work. Of course there's no saying upfront how long it will take to develop your specific solution, but we can give you a rule of thumb:

For organisations that are getting started with business intelligence, a typical solution (1-3 data sources, 3-6 pages) takes about 6 to 8 days of development, implementation, user adoption and aftersales care. This means that you can get started with business intelligence for €6.000 to €8.000.

The prototype and design workshop give us the necessary input to provide you with an offer that is exactly to your needs. We will only start charging you if you have signed our offer. Because our quotes are fixed price only, there are no hidden costs and you know exactly where you stand before doing business with us.